The portable version, ready for action The portable version, internals

Mark 3

Mpeg 1 layer 3 compression based portable jukebox - Started at the begining of July 1999
The idea was to build a box for use at parties which was more portable than the full size jukebox.
Features :- This was for a lot of parties, and lent out many times, but was really heavy, and even when painted didn't look too good.
So I went on to develop the Mark 4 - AKA Portable V2


The portable version, in the making The portable version, during testing The portable version, ready for action With the LCD and buttons The LCD screen layout

The various jukeboxes

AMI-RowePortable V1Portable V2Seeburg SC-1

The software

The software is open-source, see Here.


Jukebox mainpage.

Copyright © 1998..2014 Roger Walker. All rights reserved.
This work is licenced under a Creative Commons Licence.
Creative Commons Licence

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