About Me

Well I was born in Fareham, in a house on Arundel Drive, in the summer of '67. I went to Uplands, Harrison Road, and then finally Cams Hill school, where I studied for and got a bunch of 'O' levels. After that I went to "Fareham Technical College", which changed it's name to "Fareham Tertiary College", and I got enough 'A' levels to get into University. I went to the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology, better known as U.M.I.S.T. Where after four years of being sponsored by Intel, I got my Degree.

While I was there, I was involved in the Amateur radio society, the film society and for the last two years in socials. I DJed the "Rock Night" one Saturday in three, and for a while I did Friday nights in one of the local rock clubs, "The Thunderdome".

Since then I've helped develop various things for a selection of computer companies including Intel, Seetrax, Insignia Solutions, Phoenix Technologies, Ridgeway Systems & Software and currently Imagination Technologies.

When I get the time I dabble with computers and like to make them do interesting things, like run my jukebox.
I also build walking robots, and teapots for racing at Steampunk events.
At home, I experiment with solar panels and batteries!

A personality test claims I am an Inventor.

Cheers, Roger.

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