folder then scanned the "All mode-1" block, from this it found one of the multiplexed channels, and then seem to go off and find everything else./etc/init.d/dropbear
, this will include /etc/default/dropbear
if it exists.
So to add additional options to the dropbear config you can add them here./etc/default/dropbear
file contains:DROPBEAR_EXTRA_OPT="-p 443 -s -w"
-p {port} | Listening port (multiple allowed) |
-w | Don't allow root to login |
-s | Don't allow accounts with blank passwords to login |
chmod +s /bin/busybox
scp -P {port} -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa {src file spec} {user}@{ip-address}:/{dest dir}/
/usr/bin/scp -P 443 -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa /media/hdd/movie/*.ts* dreambox@myserver.dyndns.org:frompvr/
cd /media/hdd/movie
YEAR=`/bin/date +%y`
MONTH=`/bin/date +%m`
DAY=`/bin/date +%d`
#if [ $MONTH \< 10 ]; then MONTH=0$MONTH; fi
#if [ $DAY \< 10 ]; then DAY=0$DAY; fi
for f in $YEAR-$MONTH-$DAY*
/usr/bin/scp -P 443 -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa "$f" dreambox@myserver.dyndns.org:frompvr/ &